Music Technology Resources

Delay Time Calculator | Delay > Pitch | Pitch > Delay | Loop > Pitch | Pitch > Tempo/Length | Tempo <> Length | Clickbook

Delay Time Calculator

Enter the tempo below to calculate relevant delay times.



Tempo: 120 BPM   Beat: 500.0 ms

Duration: Normal     Dotted     Triplet    
  Factor: Delay:   Factor: Delay:   Factor: Delay:  
Breve 8 4000.0  ms 12 6000.0  ms 5.333 2666.5  ms
Whole 4 2000.0  ms 6 3000.0  ms 2.667 1333.5  ms
Half 2 1000.0  ms 3 1500.0  ms 1.333 666.5  ms
Quarter 1 500.0  ms 1.5 750.0  ms 0.667 333.5  ms
Eighth 0.5 250.0  ms 0.75 375.0  ms 0.333 166.5  ms
Sixteenth 0.25 125.0  ms 0.375 187.5  ms 0.167 83.5  ms
Thirty-Second 0.125 62.5  ms 0.188 94.0  ms 0.083 41.5  ms
Sixty-Fourth 0.0625 31.2  ms 0.094 47.0  ms 0.0415 20.8  ms

Note: Delays with feedback and times less than 20 ms will produce audible pitches above 50 Hz.

Delay Time Calculator | Delay > Pitch | Pitch > Delay | Loop > Pitch | Pitch > Tempo/Length | Tempo <> Length | Clickbook