Music Technology Resources

Delay Time Calculator | Delay > Pitch | Pitch > Delay | Loop > Pitch | Pitch > Tempo/Length | Tempo <> Length | Clickbook

Tempo/Beats/Length Modes: Frames/Clicks > BPM | Frames/Clicks & Beats > Length | Frames/Clicks & Length > Beats
BPM & Beats > Length | BPM & Length > Beats | Beats & Length > BPM & Frames | Beats & Samples > BPM

Length & Beats > Tempo Calculator

Enter the Length of a cue (in seconds) and the number of Beats, to calculate the tempo in BPM. This is also converted to the nearest Frames & Clicks tempo.

Length (sec.msec):  Number of Beats Meter (numerator): 

Length 120.000 Number of Beats 33 BPM: 16.500
Frames: 87 Clicks: 2 Clicks-BPM: 16.504

Note: The Cue Length is the time between the downbeat and the last beat; that is, the cue ends on the ictus of the last beat. The Number of Beats should start at beat one and include the last beat.

If using the Frames & Clicks tempo to score to picture, the BPM given above in the top row (orange) will vary slightly from the actual BPM for that Frame-Click combination, which is shown in the bottom row (green).

Delay Time Calculator | Delay > Pitch | Pitch > Delay | Loop > Pitch | Pitch > Tempo/Length | Tempo <> Length | Clickbook